
When She Put Her Fingers on the Piano, He Started Playing the Violin. This is The Best Hallelujah Cover So Far!

The famous song Hallelujah was performed so many times that we lost count.

Some say Leonard Cohen’s original version is the best and no one can replace it.

I can agree on that, but we have to give credit to those who tried its best to make a cover for this song.

When we think about a great Hallelujah performance we think about Rob Landes and Aubry Pitcher.

Both of them are the best at what they do.

Rob is a violinist while Aubry plays the piano.

Everything starts as usual. Slow pace, the piano and the violin blend in together creating the perfect sound.

As it “flows”, Rob used a looping pedal to bring more flavor to the song.

Watch how it sounds:

Perfect match!

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