Maybe it’s unexpected to see teachers inviting students to the wedding, but this special ed teacher is really something special.
I’m not going to get into the issue teachers have being underpaid and under respected for the job they do. That’s another part of the story.
I’m concerned about one thing. In America, there is a lack of qualified people for this position. 49 states experience shortages when it comes to special ed teachers.
Despite the problems, Kinsey French committed her life building the bright future of these generations because it’s rewarding to them. The kids from the Christian Academy Rock Creek in Kentucky will make your day. This is where French is working as a special education teacher.
She did something that no one did before. She invited the whole class, a small group of six students, to play a unique part at her wedding.
The photos will warm your heart.
It’s a Special Wedding, Indeed!

The class is Acts like one BIG FAMILY
‘I knew I couldn’t have a special day without them,’ she revealed.

They Look Adorable
‘”t was so exciting,’ French continued. ‘It was really special for Josh and myself just to have them a part of the day, and have them come with us and celebrate with us”

All of them are a part of The Providence Program: Students with Down Syndrome

They were enjoying the food, mashed potatoes, and dancing. They stole the show dancing to their favorite song whip/nae nae

Credits go to the teacher for making this kids feel even more special!
Source: LifeBuzz