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This Guy Can Look Like Kim Kardashian, Dakota Johnson, Sofia Vergara and Michelle Obama Using Nothing But Makeup

This is why I looove the internet.

Stories like this are really fascinating and strange at the same time.

There are a lot of gifted people around the world and I am sure that you’ve seen a lot of makeup artist do stuff like this.

But still, It is unbelievable what this guy can do with the power of makeup.

Before I tell you more about him, take a look at his creations below.

Fifty Shades Of Gray fans, look at this transformation as Dakota Johnson

I want to see kanye’s face now

His name is Paolo Ballesteros, 32-year-old Filipino actor, model and makeup artist.

This is not his first public spotlight. Apparently, last year he took the internet by storm showcasing his makeup skills.

Now, he is doing it again by publishing new pictures on his instagram profiles looking like the platinum blonde Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vergara, Reese Witherspoon, Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Taylor Swift and Dakota Johnson.

According to the information I can find about him, he confirmed to be starring in the indie comedy Die Beautiful – the “story of a Filipino transgender woman whose dying wish is to be buried looking like Lady Gaga.”

I am so happy when people with talent are succeeding.

Now let’s see him as…

Kylie Jenner

How did he come up with this?

Paolo was interviewed by The Huffington Post where he said that the inspiration came from many YouTube videos. After multiple attempts, he was surprised how well the transformations turned.

Take a look at him transformed into icons like:


Oscar winner Julianne Moore

Michelle Obama

Sofia Vergara

A photo posted by @pochoy_29 on

Reese Witherspoon


  A photo posted by @pochoy_29 on


Kendal Jenner


A photo posted by @pochoy_29 on

Taylor Swift

A photo posted by @pochoy_29 on

Do you like it?

Before you go, let me ask you something.

Have a friend with a special talent?

Share this post with her/him as a motivation to step up!

Thank you!


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