
These Celebrity Doubles Are Probably Tired of People Asking them for a Picture or Autograph. OMG They Look The Same!

We all have our doubles walking somewhere in this world. Maybe it’s too awkward when you see your double.

If this happens to me, I think I will freak out.

These random people are probably tired of everyone around them asking for a picture, calling them by the names of the celebrities and asking them for an autograph.

Maybe this looks like an honor to you, but good luck handling that until the rest of your lives.

I can’t judge those who think that these people are actually the celebrities they see because OMG the similarities are huge!

Even I have a second opinion whether this is some sort of a trick or joke. Just look at Ed Shеeran’s Doppelganger.

You better be ready to freak out!

Okay Zac Efron…huh?

Stop fooling around Emma Stone


How do you mean your name is not Harry Styles?

You are so funny Michael Scott

OMG there are two Justin Bieber-s?

Your name is Steve Buscemi right?

Drake’s white twin?


James Franco…or not?

Oh it’s Dora the Explorer!

Mr. Benedict please take a picture with me!

Abraham Lincoln is alive!?

You have to be Wil Wheaton!

I met Leonard Nimoy today!

You ruled on Breaking Bad!


Sitting across Jeff Goldblum?

Oh Morgan Freeman you are the best!

Are you filming the new UP movie?

You rule Kristen Stewart

The handsome Ryan Gosling ladies…wait what?

Hi Peter Dinklage?

If you are not Aubrey Plaza…who are you?

Hey Dr. House!


Well how you doin’ Emma Watson?

OMG that’s Tom Hanks!

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