Some people can’t get over their exes and that’s why they try some desperate moves to get them back.
What happens when the ex girlfriend will own your desperate moves?
Oh man, this is hilarious!
We have that kind of situations right here when the guy wanted to make sure his ex-girlfriend doesn’t find anyone else because there will be consequences.
Well, these amazing girls got back at them at the best possible way ever! This is what we call “owning at its best”.
These girls should receive a medal!
1. Indeed!


3. You are probably the last in line

4. I Don’t Care

5. Sorry girls

6. In your face … Douchebag

7. Is that you?!

8. Ouch

9. Perfect response!

10. Fair enough…

11. Other way around…

12. Hahahahaha…

13. Well…

14. BURN!

15. LOL!

16. Mess with the best…

17. Not found

18. Not a single f*** was given that day

I can’t stop laughing. These guys got what they deserve!