Most of the dads are seen as lazy and incompetent. It seems like the world is refusing their work as lovely and carrying fathers who are always here for their kids. I don’t know why this bad stereotype is still present, but I know that we need to do something and crush it.
Dads are not incompetent for this job. Period.
If you know where to look, you will find beautiful examples of fathers who are out there sacrificing their well-being to provide food on the table or fix all the problems around the house.

Even though they are sometimes tired, they are always ready to spend some quality time with the kids and build this unbreakable bond that lasts forever.
According to the experts, it’s the negative media around fathers brings these consequences to our society.
According to one of them, Matt Campbell, administrator of,
“Negative general portrayals of fathers/husbands/men in TV commercials and sit-coms contirbutes to a decrease in men wanting to assure those roles in society, and creates the impression among others that men need not assume such roles anyways, that such simply aren’t important”

This heartwarming video of how it feels to be a dad in 60 seconds will bring tears to your eyes. It was uploaded by “Dove” on their YouTube channel for Father’s Day 2012. It’s a video that has over 13 million views and tremendous positive reaction.
We might be on the verge of changing the stereotypes about fathers.
Here is the video
The comments on this video are another part of the story.
Source: Elite Readers