It’s hard to imagine how it’s like for the kid to be abandoned by his parents. Especially for a bizarre reason like this.
However, the toughest moment of his life turned out to be his strongest motivation to be an inspiration for the others his whole life.
Jono Lancaster’s parents quit on him shortly after he was born. Their reason for doing this was because their son had a condition that will make tough for them to see him every day.
It’s their attitude that was ugly. Not this brave person!
Despite this, Jono found his way to go through this emotional rollercoaster happening too early in his life.
Let’s go through his story:
Jono is suffering from Treacher Collins Syndrome Since Forever
It’s a disease that made him live with facial deformities.

He was born without certain facial bones. However, his story will amaze you once you realize what he had to go through

Despite his appearance, he found the positive though throughout his childhood and adulthood

Jono didn’t want to go through hundreds of surgeries and partially fix this condition just to achieve the semi-normal life

Even though he wasn’t like the other boys, he didn’t deserve to get into the hands of the social services. There are still good people out there. Jean Lancaster, the woman adopting him, was one of them.

The School days weren’t good for him, as well. Students were running away from him.

The teenager days were pretty normal for him. He behaved like all of them and rebelled. He was included with the people who were loving him

Over 10,000 children in the UK are affected by the Treacher Collins Syndrome

Jono’s determination to lead a normal life deserves a recognition and approval by all people

Despite how people continue to react to his appearance, Jono said enough is enough and stopped to feel sorry for himself

He realized that it’s his attitude towards the real meaning of life should be fixed, not his face

He found a job at a gym after graduating in sports science. As a fitness instructor, he found his true love

Today, he works as an inspirational teacher educating people about Treacher Collins Syndrome

He travels the world to inspire kids suffering from this condition

With the help of other foundations, he reaches out to others, shares his story and helps them take over their own life

The change comes from within

Jono Lancaster’s Story of overcoming this state of mind and discrimination is heartwarming and educational

That’s the way the go, Jono. Just continue to be yourself, do what you do best, and help those people in need.
This world needs more good hearted people that are willing to share their story and inspire others.
Source: PlayBuzz