
She Was Forbidden To Help Homeless People. What She Did Next? – AMAZING!

How do you fight homelessness when you are not allowed to?

Veronica Scott is only 24 years old and what she accomplished in life is truly inspiring.

At this age, she is the CEO and founder of Detroit’s Empowerment Plan.

Everything started when she was too young to understand things.

She was born in a bad neighborhood growing up among addicts.

Everything looked bad for her back then.

Things started going well when she got a scholarship for college. One class changed her life.

A class project “asked” from the students to do something that would help the community.

She ended up helping the local homeless people.

Ever since, she is helping women and many people who are in need.

Here is the inspiring story about Veronica:

So young and so full with energy and confidence while helping others!

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